BPM master (cours BPM003)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 4 jours
Objectifs du cours :
The BPM Master Training Class provides excellent coverage of BPM with the main elements from the BPM Strategy, Beginners and Intermediate training programs, along with case study exercises. This 4 day training program covers why, what and how to implement BPM. This training program concentrates on delivering to the trainee the skills and tools to use technology to improve business processes. In some regards, the BPM courses can be considered as the key consulting and analysis tools to best utilize ECM technology. To be sure, we cover the essential technical implications of and approaches to Business Process Management. For example, what is a Workflow Engine, when should it be used, how does it work and how can I construct my business analysis activities to best utilize this technology? With much of the focus on providing trainees with techniques and tools, we cover in detail the major modeling tools, how they work and how best to get value from them?
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Definition
- Vocabulary for BPM
- Strategy Phase
- Review of business and IT strategy
- Review of business drivers
- Review/decide target end-state
- Decide performance measures
- Definition
- Analyze AS-IS business processes
- Map AS-IS business processes
- Definition of TO-BE business processes
- Map TO-BE business processes
- Modeling/Simulation
- Model TO-BE business processes
- Simulate and test business processes
- Deployment
- Deploy processes
- Change Management
- Monitoring
- Measure and monitor
- Optimization/Improvement
- Review
- Optimize
- Change and redeploy
Connaissances requises:
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- Basic computer knowledge. The student should know how to navigate to folders and files on a computer running Microsoft Windows.
- The student should know basic file-management skills.
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