Introduction to ASP.NET Web Matrix (WebX001)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 3 jours
Objectifs du cours :
ASP.NET applications may be built in anything from Notepad to Visual Studio.NET. Notepad is free but offers no code assistance. VS.NET offers a tremendous amount of assistance with code, but is expensive. Microsoft's free "Web Matrix" tool is a wonderful compromise. It is hard to beat the price (free!) and offers plenty of assistance in building code (while still allowing the developer complete control of the code).
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Introduction to ASP.NET
- Common Language Runtime
- Languages: VS.NET vs. C#
- Introduction to ASP.NET Web Matrix
- Installing Web Matrix
- Tour of Web Matrix tools
- First ASP.NET Page
- "The Snake Eyes Game"
- Analyze the code that was written
- Review of HTML Forms
- Action and method
- Web Server Controls
- Postback
- Server-side events
- Conditional Statements
- If Then
- Select Case
- Loops
- Do Until
- Do While
- For each
- Functions and Procedures
- Variables
- Strings, Numbers, Boolean
- Objects
- Arrays
- Validation Controls
- Tracing
- Database Connections
- Connecting to a database
- SQL - Query the database
- Display Data with Datagrid
- MXDataGrid
- Editing and retrieving data
- Using Templates
- The six types of templates
- ADO.NET Data Access Objects
- Command Objects
- DataReader Objects
- Dataset Objects
- CodeBuilder
- Bind data to List Controls
- Reusable Content
- User Control
- Case Study: Applying your new skills
- Create a custom class
- Case Study: Identify your Users
- The Login template page
- Cookies
- Session State
- Web Services
- What's next?
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- Have three to six months of development experience in a professional environment.
- Be familiar with the HTML document structure and associated terminology, but are not expected to be expert and do not need to have experience with HTML5.
- Have one to three months experience with HTML and XML.
- Have a general familiarity with the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
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