Programming in C# with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (cours 10266)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 5 jours
Objectifs du cours :
The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation detailswith .NET Framework 4.0. This course describes the new enhancements in the C# 4.0 language by using Visual Studio 2010.
In this course, lower-intermediate level programmers gain the knowledge and skills they need to develop C# applications for the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0. The course highlights the structure of C# 4.0 programs, language syntax, and implementation details. This course is not mapped to any exam.
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Explain the purpose of the .NET Framework.
- Create Microsoft Visual C# projects by using Visual Studio 2010.
- Explain the structure of a C# application.
- Use the WPF Application template to build a simple graphical application.
- Use XML comments to document an application.
- Use the debugger to step through a program
- Declare variables and assign values.
- Create expressions by using operators.
- Create and use arrays.
- Use decision statements.
- Use iteration statements
- Describe how to declare and call methods
- Define and call methods that take optional parameters and output parameters
- Describe how to catch and handle exceptions
- Describe how to create and raise exceptions
- Describe how to access the file system by using the classes that the .NET Framework provides.
- Describe how to read and write files by using streams
- Describe how to create and use enumerations.
- Describe how to create and use classes.
- Describe how to create and use structures.
- Explain the differences between reference and value types
- Describe how to control the visibility of type members.
- Describe how to share methods and data
- Use inheritance to define new reference types.
- Define and implement interfaces.
- Define abstract classes
- Describe how garbage collection works in the .NET Framework.
- Manage resources effectively in an application
- Explain how properties work and use them to encapsulate data.
- Describe how to use indexers to access data through an array-like syntax.
- Describe how to use operator overloading to define operators for your own types
- Describe the purpose of delegates, and explain how to use a delegate to decouple an operation from the implementing method.
- Explain the purpose of lambda expressions, and describe how to use a lambda expression to define an anonymous method.
- Explain the purpose of events, and describe how to use events to report that something significant has happened in a type that other parts of the application need to be aware of
- Use collection classes.
- Define and use generic types.
- Define generic interfaces and explain the concepts of covariance and contravariance.
- Define and use generic methods and delegates
- Implement a custom collection class.
- Define an enumerator for a custom collection class
- Describe how to use the LINQ extension methods and query operators.
- Describe how to build dynamic LINQ queries and expressions
- Integrate Ruby and Python code into a Visual C# application.
- Invoke COM components and services from a C# application.
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- At least 12 months experience working with an Object Oriented language
- Have C++ or Java knowledge:
- Creating Classes
- Inheritance and Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- Exceptions
- Knowledge of the Visual Studio IDE.
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